
Our company is actively involved in the development of new products and technologies, including the testing and trials of new materials and products. In our modern laboratory, we focus on continuous innovation and exploring ways to improve our products. Cooperation with our customers is crucial for us, as it allows us to better understand their needs and wishes and thus better respond to market requirements. Through a combination of development and testing, we can offer the best solutions for our customers and provide them with products of maximum quality and performance.

Laboratory services

Laboratory services

In our modern equipped laboratory we offer testing and development possibilities not only for our own needs but also for other plastics companies. The professional team of the laboratory provides comprehensive services in the field of quality control of raw materials and products, not only within our production but also in cooperation with external companies. The laboratory performs testing according to international ISO standards, Czech ČSN standards, German DIN standards, and European EN standards, by ISO 9001 certification.


New product development

In cooperation with our customers, we are actively developing new processes, recipes, and tools for the custom manufacturing of plastic products. This collaboration is based on close communication and sharing of the most accurate product specifications from the customer, allowing us to respond effectively to their needs and requirements. Our custom manufacturing encompasses a wide range of plastic products, including a variety of extruded plastic profiles, plastic tubes, and plastic polymer granulates.